If you have your own website, adding Minnit Chat simply requires a simple copy-and-paste of our script, placed wherever you'd like the chat to appear.
While many sites do not allow other websites to be loaded directly into them, you can share a link. Others can click the link to instantly join your chat.
If you have Wordpress installed on your own server, you are able to get the Minnit Chat plugin. This plugin will make it easy to add the chat to your entire site, or to a single post or page.
If your website is hosted on Wix, you can follow our simple tutorial to get the chatroom added to your site.
Having trouble with embedding? Not sure if your website or setup will support Minnit Chat? Contact Support and we'll be happy to assist you.
To add your chatroom to your WordPress site, we recommend you add our WordPress plugin.
This plugin will allow you to add a site-wide icon to the corner of all pages, or allow you to embed the chat directly within a post. Our plugin will also handle zero-click single-sign-on support if you choose to set this up; this way, users who are already registered on your WordPress site will be able to instantly sign in to the chat, without needing to click any URLs or do any additional logging in.
Get the Minnit Chat plugin for WordPress
During the setup process, you will be prompted to enter your chat's URL. The URL to enter is:
To embed your site onto Wix, follow this guide to add an external site.
Once you're prompted to enter the website's address, paste the following exactly:
Your Minnit Chat will instantly work for anyone visiting your Wix website. Happy chatting!
Any questions, contact Support
<iframe src="https://organizations.minnit.chat/862746230878470/c/RadioSladja?embed&nickname=" style="border:none;width:90%;height:500px;max-height:90vh;" allowTransparency="true"></iframe>
We also recommend adding the following meta code to your site's <head> tag, if you expect to have users on mobile devices:
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1" />